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How To Become A Pro Hacker, P2: Programs

You don’t always need to do everything yourself! Some other nice people sometimes already did it for you.
There are a lot of (free) programs on the market who will help you in your journey for sure.

Also Read: How To Hack Facebook Account 2017

Programs are actually tools, who help you do things faster and easier, what it makes easy is most of the time the GUI (Graphic User Interface – Layout of the application), because you could actually replace that buttons, text,... With codes, you could do what you do on the GUI also programmatically... Because there is a code behind each button you trigger by clicking it. :)

I’ll list some programs you’ll definitely need + some examples.

Previous: P1: Programming Languages

1. Programs:

  • RAT (Remote Administration Tool)
  • Key-logger
  • Brute-Force
  • Booter
  • VPN


  • Darkcomet (RAT)
  • REFOG (Key-logger)
  • Hydra (Brute-force)
  • Rage Booter (Booter)
  • Cyberghost5 (VPN)

Well, that were a lot of programs, let me explain some of them.

A RAT (Remote Administration Tool) is a program that allows hackers to control the PC of his victim.
The hacker earns victims (better known as slaves) by spreading a Trojan, a Trojan is malware (malicious software) and is mostly presented as a helpful handy program. But in fact it gives the hacker access to your PC. This gives him the possibility to access all your files, webcam, keyboard, mouse it can let you open sites, download stuff and edit your folders,... To achieve its goal a Trojan must be undetectable, hackers do that by crypting it. If this is done well, the AV (Anti-Virus) of the victim doesn’t detect the Trojan.
A bunch of slaves is called a Botnet, that is mostly used to perform a DDoS attack/mining. A DDoS Attack to take sites/servers down, or mining bitcoins to earn digital money.
A good free RAT today is Darkcomet, it should be pretty easy to use.
Like you see, a RAT is a powerful tool!

A key-logger does actually a part of a RAT but easier, it records everything a victim types on his keyboard, this is of course used to find the password of your victim. An example of a key-logger is REFOG... You have to spread this like a RAT as well.

Also Read: How To Record Everything That Going On Your Computer Using Keylogger

A brute-force program, well, it actually says it all... It forces a password to be right brute. :P
To be able to work with a brute-force program you need some things: The program, a password list, a username list (optional).
Well, an example of a brute-force program is Hydra, on Windows you won’t have its GUI but it’s okay to run it through CMD as well.
A password list is well, just a list of passwords... The program will try every word in that list until he has find the good one.
An username list actually does the same, but you only have to use this when you don’t know the username of your victim, for example hacking a FTP-server.
Dictionary hacking and brute-forcing are actually the same, except that dictionary is only with words and brute-forcing also with characters... It’s smart to run a dictionary attack first because such a list contains a lot of for-common passwords.

A booter is a tool to DDoS, do well know! DDoS’ing =/= Hacking!
A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) is used a lot to take sites or servers down.
Every time you visit a site, you ping that site with 32 bytes, the sites accept that request and answer it. A site or server wants to answer on every request it receives.
A good DDoS can contains 65000GB/second Of course the site or server can’t answer at all those requests and it gets overwhelmed and finally taken of the internet. (Think on the engine of a car, when it gets overheated it explodes too!).
A DDoS can also be performed with a Botnet, you let every PC on your botnet pings that site. ;)
The little cousin of a DDoS is a DoS (Denial of Service) it isn’t distributed so means that it is only performed from one PC, one network. You can do it simply with CMD (Winkey + R > “CMD” > Enter > Ping –t –l 65000) you can only take down small sites with it who has a low bandwidth (amount of visitors a site can take).

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a tool to hide your IP.
An IP is used to trace your physical location, with a VPN you can hide that location and so, stay anonymous. An example of a Free VPN is Cyberghost5.
But you have to choose your VPN carefully, some VPN keep logs. That means that they keep your info and real IP stored in their database. Other VPNs don’t keep logs (but those aren’t free).
VPNs who don’t keep logs are more safe than others.

Another important thing in the world of hacking is staying anonymous. You won’t be found by cops when you’re doing your illegal activities.
Or when you’re doing ethical stuff (<Yay! :D) you won’t be that the bad guys cyber-attacks you!

To stay anonymous you need some tools, a VPN and Proxy.
A VPN like I already explained hides your IP by connecting you to another server, a proxy actually does the same! :D

But of course, for making homework you don’t need to stay anonymous.
You have to know when to use VPNs and proxies and when not to!

Like Mr. Logic says: You only have to use a VPN when you’re doing your activities, after them, you turn it off.

Let me explain it a bit. People will do everything to find you, so every little hole you make you’ll be found! You have to put people on a dead track.

When you’re planning to do your activities you start your PC on with a proxy, so it looks like you’re starting it up from another location. You do your activities and when you’re done you turn it off and don’t use the internet anymore for like 15-20 minutes. After that, you just start it up without proxy, and do your legal normal things (going to the site of your school/work, checking mails,...)

It’s suspicious if a PC gets de-connected from a server and another pops-up somewhere else directly.
With the good method you put people on a dead track. :)
Or if you also do your normal activities with the same VPN.

For example:

You just DDoS’ed a site and someone wants to track you, but because of the VPN they can’t track your physical location... But when you’re done and you log-in on Facebook with your real name using that VPN, you actually made the tracing very easy because you gave your real name.

It is maybe also smart holding all your programs or/and logs on a USB you can easily hide (not under your bed...) or even delete the data with a strong (electro)magnet.

Also it’s handy to use drop-email addresses, it are mails you make at gmail or whatever use it for registration and confirming for your account, and than just drop it and never use it again.
Of course, to make these you have to use a VPN, and another name and password like you do normally... I also recommend using another VPN server for making these. There may not be any connection between that address and everything else related to you. :D

Next: P3: Other Programs

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